Congratulations Morgan and Ralphy!
Grade 1A Para-Equestrian Champion, at the Boneo Park 2nd Observation Event for WEG ( Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy).
What an achievement. Of course this would not have been possible without the extraordinary coaching and warm-ups by Charlotte Pedersen at Hill Cottage Dressage, Ralphy’s beautiful presentation by Julie Scougall, assisted by Adele and Bianca. Thanks for being such a great support team.
Huge thanks also to Morgan’s major sponsor Kyneton Toyota who keep our Landcruiser on the road and to John and Ros Bradbury for their belief in Morgan. Thanks also to Prendergasts Earthmoving for their recent donation.
To all our friends and family, and the kind people who we only know on FB, your words of encouragement and support are greatly appreciated.