Morgan’s Sport
Morgan started riding at five and with her first pony, Matilda began competing in Rideability Victoria State Dressage competitions.
Due to spinal problems she was unable to ride for three years. Even though Morgan faced huge health and physical challenges, she returned to riding in early 2010 and at 18 years old joined Equestrian Australia and started competing successfully in Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) Para-Dressage as a classified 1A rider (the highest level of physical impairment).
Morgan is one of the most severely disabled riders competing and unlike most other Grade 1A riders she is unable to stand or walk independently and uses a communication device. Morgan is allowed to use compensating aids approved by FEI Para Equestrian and they include looped reins, saddle grip, bands on stirrups, use of two whips which are velcroed to gloves.
Morgan trains four or five days each week at Hill Cottage Dressage with Charlotte Pedersen and other days at home with support from her family and friends.
She also trains at the gym, does Pilates and sports physiotherapy and swims four times each week to maintain fitness.