Morgan’s Team
TeamMorgan is a group of friends, family, and supporters who are helping Morgan and other severely disabled riders achieve their goals and dreams.
In March, 2014 TeamMorgan brought GB Para-Equestrian coach, Clive Milkins to Australia to give a series of lessons for Grade 1a, 1b and 2 riders, and their coaches an opportunity to learn from this extraordinary coach. Clive coaches multiple Paralympic gold medal winner, Sophie Christiansen and works with severely disabled riders all around the world. All these riders have now gone on to score personal bests in their competition performances.
We hope to continue to offer the specialist training and support required by the more severely disabled para-equestrian riders to encourage new riders to enter the sport and to provide current riders with opportunities to excel. Our current aim is to fund a specialist collaborative training clinic with coaches from differing backgrounds with international expertise in a range of areas including adaptive riding equipment, equine behaviour and elite dressage training. We want to bring riders who live with significant disability together for world-class training and to encourage and support each other in the sport and provide some friendly competition.
Be part of the journey and join the team. It’s possible to contribute in all sorts of ways. There are many expenses connected with para-equestrian sport. You may be able to help financially or you may be able to assist with products or services.
Join TeamMorgan’s supporters on facebook to stay up-to-date and involved.
Donations You can make a donation to Team Morgan in one of three ways:
(1) Click and follow the donate buttons:
a cheque in the name of Morgan Webb Liddle A/c Team Morgan to:
Merell Liddle, PO Box 485, KYNETON, Vic 3444
(3) Make a direct deposit to the Team Morgan bank account
: Morgan Webb Liddle A/C TeamMorgan
BSB: 733 254 Account
: 688157
To become a volunteer in teamMorgan
Merell on:
Mobile: 0417 770036
Corporate Sponsorship Opportunities
TeamMorgan is looking for major sponsors and a range of corporate sponsorship packages is available. Contact
teamMorgan to find out how your business or organisation can partner with us to help support Morgan.
It is an opportunity for companies to meet their corporate social responsibility goals and make a positive impact by directly supporting a young woman
with severe disabilities to realise her dream.
Photography: Lucy Morten